In 1913, Fred Evans was walking passed a cinema screening the British &
Colonial super production The Battle of Waterloo (d. Charles Weston, 1913). This
was one of the new 'feature' films that were sweeping the nation, launched with
unprecedented publicity. The Evans brothers, already veterans of the film
comedy, wasted no time in exploiting all this attention, and managed to release
their parody of the film in the same month. The film spoofs the high production
values of the feature by being very obviously as cheap as possible and using
classic music hall/pantomime stagecraft and gags.
Fred Evans, aka Pimple, plays Napoleon in the famous scenes from his life -
including crossing the (cardboard) Alps - on a pantomime horse - the attempt on
his life - by suffragettes - on the way to Paris (via Waterloo station) and the
noble General's taking the watch from the sleeping sentry (who of course thinks
he is trying to nick his rifle). At the battle, Napoleon (Fred Evans) and
Wellington (Joe Evans) toss a coin for the first shot. The French, realising
they have forgotten the ammunition, go off to the shops to buy some more. A
troop of Boy Scouts charge Napoleon, who, after a chaotic battle, surrenders. He
is taken prisoner and sent off in a boat, saying goodbye to France forever (here
represented by a cardboard notice saying France on one bank of the Thames).
Bryony Dixon